Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Socialist Brainwashing and my Response

I suppose I will start my fiirst blog with a tounge lashing to an Obamanic.  This young lad has been involved with the Church of Governemnt for many years.  Most likely a result of revisionit history taught by teachers unions to explain away the need of a centralized government against one that is more akin to what was intended in our Constitution.  It happens.  So I lash out in my standard fasion becasue spankings are the only things these socialst tit suckers understand.  Spare the rod spare the child.   
He states that the views I express are on the" decline" and that if I keep up my speaking out against the activities of our government, small government conservatives and libertariians have no chance of winning in 2010 and 2012.  He also stated that my views were on the fringe of popular American thought.  Here you go:

Decline?  Could have sworn a blue state in California's court upheld Prop 8.  Decline? Gallup polls show that more Americans are pro life than pro death.  Decline? why are conservative "news shows" (I dont really like news TV anyhow) and talk radio leading the ratings wars. 

McCain didnt win because he WAS NOT CONSERVATIVE! The stupid GOP tried a moderate and lost. I personally didn't vote for him...but hey I am on the "fringe".

You see majority rule is not necessarily morally correct rule.  I have absolute truth on my side, not opinions that change with polls and the emotions of an electorate.  This nanny state mentality will not stand and the more centralization of power he makes the more the "fringe" will fight back.

His policies destroy growth, they hinder ingenuity and why not attack the president at every turn?  Especially when he does things that are antithetical to the views we were founded on?  Have you read the Constitution?

Show me where it states half the things he is doing?  The colonists did not want a document open to abstract interpretation like British law.  What they wanted was to have certain powers left to the federal government while there rest resided with the state, but that has been slowly whittled away over the years and now  we have a man that studied the Constitution while reading Prairie Fire by his commie pal Billy Ayers.

But hey maybe you like the safety and security of a big brother government?  Maybe you want safety and security over freedom and liberty?  In that case to hell with you and your socialist pig president.  Go and talk to a college professor and talk about how communists were about it...sit in your dorm and listen to your friends talk about what is wrong with conservatives and the right maaaaannn

(Here I am responding to his assertion that the "right" picks on Obummers verbal gaffe's)  Making fun of the mentally ill is a gaffe?? The guy cant even speak without his teachin' telly to tell him what to say.

I work my ass off for my family...and Barry wants to kill every ounce of my drive...screw him and all you socialist pigs.  One day you will have to fend for yourselves and you will ask someone like me how to do it and we will say..didnt you learn that in college?

Argue with Benjamin Franklin...
"I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"Idleness and pride tax with a heavier hand than kings and parliaments. If we can get rid of the former, we may easily bear the latter."

Read some Jefferson, both Thomas and Davis.  Maybe some thoughts on objectivism like Ayn Rand....
But until you decide to make a mental change in your thoughts continue to mire in socialist nonsense that is as American as a kalashnikov

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