Fox News Reports: "WICHITA, Kan. — Late-term abortion doctor George Tiller, a prominent advocate for abortion rights wounded by a protester more than a decade ago, was shot and killed Sunday at his church in Wichita, his attorney said."
Also known as Tiller the Baby Killer he has performed countless late term abortions. Also, according to an article from The Topeka Capital Journal (Link to article) the Governor of Kansas Mark Parkinson recently vetoed a bill that would have taken 250,000 dollars in funds to Planned Parenthood. The Republican legislators could try to override the veto at their June 4 adjournment ceremony, but House Speaker Mike O’Neal said chances of that are “pretty slim”. I would like to also add that his predecessor, Kathleen Sebelius vetoed a bill that would require increased reporting for doctors that preform late term abortions. This bill was aimed towards George Tiller who is one of the 3 physicians that can perform abortions after 21 weeks of pregnancy in America.
George Tiller's clinic was bombed in 1985 and he was also shot in 1993. The protests have been going on for over 20 years at his clinic. He has been targeted by many pro lifers as a high ranking official on the abortionists baby killing campaign. What does all this mean for the pro life movement? I can already see it. The talking heads like Olberman saying," You are pro life huh? Then how can you kill a Christian family man?" We ought to remember that this man has ripped the bodies of the unborn apart. In my honest opinion this man's death is about as mournful as that of Pol Pot's.
Now this man was an Usher at his church. Yes, an usher at his church. Many of my regular readers must be saying, "What about 1 Corinthians 5-6?" Just incase you are unaware the church has a standard about how to deal with unrepentant members that engage in immoral acts and commit sin.
Corinthians 5
I have heard terrible things about some of you. In fact, you are behaving worse than the Gentiles. A man is even sleeping with his own stepmother. You are proud, when you ought to feel bad enough to chase away anyone who acts like that. I am with you only in my thoughts. But in the name of our Lord Jesus I have already judged this man, as though I were with you in person. So when you meet together and the power of the Lord Jesus is with you, I will be there too. You must then hand that man over to Satan. His body will be destroyed, but his spirit will be saved when the Lord Jesus returns. Stop being proud! Don't you know how a little yeast can spread through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast! Then you will be like fresh bread made without yeast, and that is what you are. Our Passover lamb is Christ, who has already been sacrificed. So don't celebrate the festival by being evil and sinful, which is like serving bread made with yeast. Be pure and truthful and celebrate by using bread made without yeast. In my other letter I told you not to have anything to do with immoral people. But I wasn't talking about the people of this world. You would have to leave this world to get away from everyone who is immoral or greedy or who cheats or worships idols. I was talking about your own people who are immoral or greedy or worship idols or curse others or get drunk or cheat. Don't even eat with them! Why should I judge outsiders? Aren't we supposed to judge only church members? God judges everyone else. The Scriptures say, "Chase away any of your own people who are evil."
Corinthians 6
When one of you has a complaint against another, do you take your complaint to a court of sinners? Or do you take it to God's people? Don't you know that God's people will judge the world? And if you are going to judge the world, can't you settle small problems? Don't you know that we will judge angels? And if that is so, we can surely judge everyday matters. Why do you take everyday complaints to judges who are not respected by the church? I say this to your shame. Aren't any of you wise enough to act as a judge between one follower and another? Why should one of you take another to be tried by unbelievers? When one of you takes another to court, all of you lose. It would be better to let yourselves be cheated and robbed. But instead, you cheat and rob other followers. Don't you know that evil people won't have a share in the blessings of God's kingdom? Don't fool yourselves! No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual will share in God's kingdom. Neither will any thief or greedy person or drunkard or anyone who curses and cheats others. Some of you used to be like that. But now the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed you and made you holy and acceptable to God. Some of you say, "We can do anything we want to." But I tell you that not everything is good for us. So I refuse to let anything have power over me. You also say, "Food is meant for our bodies, and our bodies are meant for food." But I tell you that God will destroy them both. We are not supposed to do indecent things with our bodies. We are to use them for the Lord who is in charge of our bodies. God will raise us from death by the same power that he used when he raised our Lord to life. Don't you know that your bodies are part of the body of Christ? Is it right for me to join part of the body of Christ to a prostitute? No, it isn't! Don't you know that a man who does that becomes part of her body? The Scriptures say, "The two of them will be like one person." But anyone who is joined to the Lord is one in spirit with him. Don't be immoral in matters of sex. That is a sin against your own body in a way that no other sin is. You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honor God.
My main point is where was this man's Pastor? Is he not supposed to care for this man's well being and his soul? Well, instead of taking Paul's advice they made him an Usher! If scripture was applied in this case this would have not happened today. The man would have wanted to be restored to his brothers and sisters, repented and stopped the killings or he would have not been in church that day and left to the world. Either way what happened today would not have happened.
Also this church was harboring a baby killer. Mathew 7 says "Ye shall know them by their fruits." Well if a church harbors one of 3 late term abortionists in America then that church's fruits are rotten. So why would they care for his soul? As Alister Crowley says, "Do what thou wilt." This insidious message has crept into our Church's pulpits by some sort of "Feel Good Theology." We have gone from sola scriptura to sola me.
Now this also gives the government and its media arm an excuse to exonerate Janet Napolitano and the DHS report on right Wing Extremism. This will give them a reason to cite the report as valid and to take away guns from the groups that are on the list. Rahm Emmanuel has already said no fly list equals no gun list. This is simply another step in that direction.
This man will be replaced. Somebody will take up his bloody banner. Babies will continued to be ripped to shreds in the womb's of mothers. The death of this "man" have bought negative media and attention from the government upon us.
Pro Lifer's if you really wish to check the federal government's powers and eliminate abortion in your state? Well support all legislation that will empower the states 10th amendment rights. Montana has done so checking the federal government's powers when it comes to guns manufactured in Montana. this can be done with abortion. Whisper into the ear of your local pro life state legislator. They will love it. It will give them a cause to jump on, while doing what is constitutional and giving them free media exposure! That is how we check this fascist government. This is how we show them the voice of the voiceless! ( For more information visit my friends at 10th Amendment Center)
These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed Innocent Blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to do evil.
Proverbs 6:16-18
P. Brutus D
result of a 21 week abortion that "DR" George would have performed.
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